Basic Court of Prishtina
Basic Court of Prizren
Basic Court of Mitrovice
Basic Court of Peje
Basic Court of Gjilan
Basic Court of Gjakova
Basic Court of Ferizaj
Select Basic Court
Overall ranking of courts for access to information
The basic courts are listed as follows based on the level of access to information that court users have gone through, where 1 is better than the other courts, and 7 is relatively weaker than the others. Evaluation results for each court were calculated using the average scores derived from the number of positive or negative answers that respondents gave to the questions below:
1. In your experience, how easy is it to get information about your case? 2. How helpful was the information given to you by the court? 3. What was your experience in finding the courtroom or office you needed? 4. Are complaint boxes available in the courthouse? 5. Is there an information desk in the courthouse? 6. Do you use the court’s website to obtain information? 7. Is the court website content that you need translated to your native language? 8. Are you satisfied with the quality of translation of the website content? 9. What kind of information do you usually search for in the court’s website?

Overall ranking of courts for efficiency and fairness
The basic courts are listed as follows based on the level of efficiency and fairneness that court users have gone through, where 1 is better than the other courts, and 7 is relatively weaker than the others. Evaluation results for each court were calculated using the average scores derived from the number of positive or negative answers that respondents gave to the questions below: 1. Were you able to get your court business done in a reasonable time today? 2. How long has your case been pending? 3. Are you satisfied with the time within which your case was reviewed? 4. Were you treated with courtesy and respect by the court staff? 5. Do you think you were treated fairly by the judge? 6. Were you able to talk to court staff in your native language? 7. Were you satisfied with the translation quality during hearings? 8. Did you receive court documents in your native language? 9. Do you feel (physically) safe on the court premises? 10. Do you know that you can file a claim for disciplinary violations of the judge?

Overall ranking of courts for perception of corruption
The basic courts are listed as follows based on the level of perception of corruption that court users have gone through, where 1 is better than the other courts, and 7 is relatively weaker than the others. Evaluation results for each court were calculated using the average scores derived from the number of positive or negative answers that respondents gave to the questions below:
1. Have you ever been asked for a bribe by a court judge or court employee or an intermediary acting on behalf of the former?
2. Have you ever offered a bribe to a judge or court employee?

Overall ranking of courts for access to information
The basic courts are listed as follows based on the level of access to information that court users have gone through, where 1 is better than the other courts, and 7 is relatively weaker than the others. Evaluation results for each court were calculated using the average scores derived from the number of positive or negative answers that respondents gave to the questions below:
1. In your experience, how easy is it to get information about your case? 2. How helpful was the information given to you by the court? 3. What was your experience in finding the courtroom or office you needed? 4. Are complaint boxes available in the courthouse? 5. Is there an information desk in the courthouse? 6. Do you use the court’s website to obtain information? 7. Is the court website content that you need translated to your native language? 8. Are you satisfied with the quality of translation of the website content? 9. What kind of information do you usually search for in the court’s website?

Overall ranking of courts for efficiency and fairness
The basic courts are listed as follows based on the level of efficiency and fairneness that court users have gone through, where 1 is better than the other courts, and 7 is relatively weaker than the others. Evaluation results for each court were calculated using the average scores derived from the number of positive or negative answers that respondents gave to the questions below: 1. Were you able to get your court business done in a reasonable time today? 2. How long has your case been pending? 3. Are you satisfied with the time within which your case was reviewed? 4. Were you treated with courtesy and respect by the court staff? 5. Do you think you were treated fairly by the judge? 6. Were you able to talk to court staff in your native language? 7. Were you satisfied with the translation quality during hearings? 8. Did you receive court documents in your native language? 9. Do you feel (physically) safe on the court premises? 10. Do you know that you can file a claim for disciplinary violations of the judge?

Overall ranking of courts for perception of corruption
The basic courts are listed as follows based on the level of perception of corruption that court users have gone through, where 1 is better than the other courts, and 7 is relatively weaker than the others. Evaluation results for each court were calculated using the average scores derived from the number of positive or negative answers that respondents gave to the questions below:
1. Have you ever been asked for a bribe by a court judge or court employee or an intermediary acting on behalf of the former?
2. Have you ever offered a bribe to a judge or court employee?